Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Back away from the carrot cake!

I can't believe that Tuesday is over already! Aghh.
Did 43 minutes on the elliptical tonight, burned 600 calories to make up for having carrot cake for breakfast. My day just started off on a stressful note and stupid me heads straight for the food! Go figure :(
So I was a little sore yesterday from Sunday's tri. Today I am feeling more back to normal, but I am still having some knee pain, like right under the knee cap. What is up with that? It is also feeling a little sore and swollen. I am hoping in another day or two I can start running on it again :)
Its been an incredibly stressful week and its only Tuesday. The good news is that I am getting stuff checked off my list, but the bad news I still have a ton more things that are about to come crashing down onto me. Oh well I will pull myself thru it somehow, as I seem to thrive on stress.
Good news today too, it looks like I saved over $2,200 on my homeowner's insurance! Yeah baby, that rocks. And no I don't live in a mansion, I live in Florida where it is legal for the insurance companies to rape you for years and drop you the second you make a claim. And when we replace our roof this winter, we will be able to switch to an even better company and save more money!! Double yeah!! At least I got a bit of good news today :)
Oh yeah by bubs is still coughing her little head off. I think she is going back to dr tomorrow, its been like 3-1/2 weeks of coughing! They've gotta be able to do something to help. I know they don't like to medicate little ones, but none of us are sleeping well with her hacking all night!

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