Monday, October 13, 2008

Breast cancer awareness ride

I know I have been busy and I haven't posted in a little while. Between work and getting my taxes together, it has been a crazy October. I just realized a couple days ago that my Miami Man international tri is less than a month away, aghhhhhh. So today I was back at the gym "running". I did went for 44 minutes and did around 3 miles. 1st mile was13:40 and I did 2 miles in 28:10. Not bad for taking a little break. My shoulders were bugging me a little bit, but feeling better all in all. I am hoping to drag my booty out of bed at 5:15 am for the early morning spin class, I really need it. Not to worried about the swim cause it's only 1,000m.
I did get out Saturday on my bike and did the Trek Breast Cancer Awareness Ride. We did just over 13 miles and it was super hot. They kept the pace slow and we had a great time. Trek gave out some AWESOME schwag. We got cool girly T-shirts, cycling socks and a water bottle. they also had lots of samples of Powergel soda flavored gummie things, they were okay, a little on the large size though. Trek also sent all the stores some great prizes to raffle off. Lucky for me & my buddies, this was the 1st year this store participated, and they only signed up 11 days prior to the ride, so needless to say, there was not a big crowd. My best friend one a Bontragger women's saddle and I won a Trek clock that I put on my daughters bike and she loves it! It was a great event and I am looking forward to next year. Hoping they do a 25 mile option because they should have alot more people coming. Thanks again to Teacherwoman for blogging about the ride!
Well that's all for now. Everyone in our house is feeling good, no one is sick, so life is good! Work looks like it's picking up a bit, so yahoo!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Gotta get my butt in gear!

Haven't posted in a bit. Been busy with work and my little one has still been sick :( After going to the dr like 3x in the last 2 weeks, I think she is finally getting over it. She has been hacking really bad for a month now, and it looks like it was walking pneumonia, more than likely. So the antibiotics were not agreeing with her and we had a rough night the other night, but she is doing better now.
My best friend was in Target the other day and came across 2 WiiFits! Oh yeah baby, we got one. I have only been looking since April and been kicking myself every day for not pre-ordering one! I gotta say that I love this thing! All 3 of us have been on it & it rocks. The little one has a hard time with some of the stuff, but it will certainly teach her some feet-eye coordination! What cracks me up the most is that it told me I was a good runner, LOL! My hubs said that too bad I can't do my tri and run on the Wii. Yeah in a perfect world. Sad part is I actually enjoy running to the Wii. You don't run on the board, you just run in place holding the controller and your little Mii runs down a trail. I unlocked a new trail tonight, but I haven't run it yet, but I will tomorrow.
I really need to get back to training. I have been putting myself last lately because I have too much stuff going on, ugh!
Hopefully I can at least squeeze in a few workouts this week, even if I need to get up at the crack of dawn and hit the early spin class, I need to do it. Someone please kick me in the butt and get me moving! My eating has not been great lately either, I have got to make better choices and I am gonna start sliding backwards!