Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Reward if found!

Lost: my motivation. If found please return immediately! Big reward if found promptly.
So I just am not feeling it today :(
I'm not sure my. Probably the crappy sleep I've gotten the last 2 nights has alot to do with it. I haven't really watched TV since ? Maybe I will turn the boob tube on and put that plasma to some use. I've been staying in my calorie allowance, I've been drinking my water, I've been eating healthy, I'm staying off the wheat, I'm exercising, and today I just feel like I am dragging. Well I have cut back on the caffiene too, but that was not intentional, I just don't keep soda in the house anymore and I haven't been eating any fast food lately, so only a little bit of coffee here and there. Who knows.
So tonight went to the gym after Bubba feel asleep, I feel less guilt that way :) I got in 30 minutes of weight training and almost a 30 minute swim. I was just not up for a swim today. Maybe my body is still recovering from the beating that it got over the weekend, yeah that's it. Hopefully a good nights sleep will do the trick.
Gluten free diet is going good, getting more used to what to make. Haven't eaten out a single meal since Friday night, which is unheard of in this house! Plus side of the diet is that it's cut down on DH's evening gas output ;)
Tomorrow I am gonna try to run again and Thursday I am hoping for an after work ride over at my LBS. Supposed to be a group going out for a 25 miler. That would be great. And one of these days I would like to get caught up on my work so I can have a little more free time. If I couldn't type fast, I would never have time to blog and this is really great mental therapy, hehe.

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