Thursday, July 31, 2008

I hate running :)

Just wanted to share that... Wondering if I will ever get any quicker... Wondering if running 3 miles non-stop will EVER happen (or one mile or two miles, at 5mph or quicker)... Wondering if it will ever feel any easier... Wondering how in the heck I am gonna do 6.2 miles after swimming a mile and biking 26 :)
Just alot of wondering going on today... Nerves starting to get to me I guess.
Well I actually lifted weights on Tuesday and I can tell that its been a while, because I am actually still a bit sore. My arms are still hurting and my legs from doing the hip abductor/adductor thingy. Gonna shoot for 2 days of weights just now and keep with my running/biking/swimming. Got another sprint race coming up the weekend after next and it would be so nice to not suck so bad at the run and be 3rd from last to finish :) Of course the big bridge scared off alot of inexperienced people last weekend, at least thats what I tell myself, hehe.
So don't think I mentioned that we are filling in out crappy old 45+ year old pool in the back yard. It was 7 feet deep of useless space. Too deep to ever get warm enough to use. Too deep to walk out more than 3 feet from the steps. Too many cracks all over the place to keep the water in. Too many things wrong with it. The hurricane destoryed the screen patio. It is in such a bad spot and we have no back yard. So we decided 6 months ago to fill it in and break up the deck and grass over it. So fast forward 6 months, I must like to wait til it gets to the hottest time of the year to work outside! So my guys that work for us are a little slow this week, since we are between jobs waiting for the next one to start. So 3 of them have been here like little troopers, jack-hammering, shoveling, digging, scooping, sweating... It is coming along, slooooooowly. The main top pieces have been removed from the screen and the sides are still in place since there is still techincally water in the pool. I just hope that my guys don't quit ;) I mean it is realllllly hot outside.
Well I guess that is enough ranting for one afternoon.
Oddly enough I will be running tonight, hoping for 4-5 miles, preferably outside instead of the dreadmill, but I guess that depends on if the rain is going to stay away or not.

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