Monday, July 28, 2008

Day 3 of Gluten Free, hey that rhymes

So today was day 3 of being gluten free. I guess its not as hard as I thought it was gonna be. Of course your body decides its gonna crave everything it can't have and you will go running around like mad trying to find an acceptable substitute. Why do our brains do that to us?? So I bought some brown rice pasta, it was actually quite... the same. Imagine that... I also got some brown rice bread, which I think was mislabeled. I think it should have read "very expensive brown rice brick", as it weighed 1-1/2 pounds for a very small loaf and cost over $5.00. I tried the bread toasted and it taste remarkably like .... toast, only not quite as tasty, but not bad.

For those of you unfamiliar with gluten-free, it is basically anything with wheat, barley, rye. So no cookies, cakes, breads, rolls, pizza (boo-hoo), pasta. I am doing this because I believe it will make me feel better. I have a sneaky suspicion that I have a gluten intolerance (and you too mom!). So from now until race day next month, I will give it a try. I can eat any of the following: meat, chicken, fresh fruit & veg, rice, gatorade & gu (thank god). Sounds remarkably healthy! Well I can also eat: ice cream, popsicles, pudding, etc. But I am also trying to limit my sugar intake. It's amazing that 3 days of cutting back on sugar and I hardly crave anything sweet. Now all I need is a good nights sleep. Oh yeah I still need to post my race report from yesterday, very exciting stuff.

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