Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Hi peoples of the internet!
I know I haven't blogged in a bit, been soooooooo busy with work and feeling run down. I just wanted to say that I have kept up on my blog reading, but not my writing. Congrats to all the IMAZ participants out there. I owe a race report for the Miami Man race, which was tiring, but great!
Had a stupid moment of weakness and signed up for the Disney marathon on Jan 11 and I have never gone farther than 13.1 miles, and I thought that was pretty darn far. My hubby has been training for it for a few months now and the mother-in-law will be here visiting so in my moment of profound stupidity and seeing capacity at 99%, I signed up. Now I don't actually expect to complete 26.2 miles, but it would be cool to finish. The problem with Disney is the 7 hour time limit. I am a walk/jog kind of gal, but I don't know how long I can keep a 16 min mile pace going.
The half last year was really cool, so I figure what the heck, why not! I do need to commit to a long run/walk at least once a week and I have not :( I had the Miami Man a couple weeks ago and that was 4 hours of good cardio. I've got a metric century a week from Sunday or a half marathon with hubby, need to decide soon I guess.
Any sorry for the rambling. I need to get some workouts in before Turkey day so I don't feel guilty for all the yummy stuff I will be stuffing myself with, hehe. Have a happy one! Hopefully doing the Run for the Pies on Turkey Day morning with the hubby. Hoping he will win us a pie, haha.

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